Each month, the Association posts a news summary of the latest Policy and Governance legislation that could impact / requires action from our member charities, with links to further information where applicable. Please find below our October/November 2020 Summary.

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

  • Charitable Housing Court Case – The Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal against the refusal of an Orthodox Jewish Housing Association to house a non-Jewish family. The judgment provides reassurance to charities which limit their activities โ€“ in line with their governing document โ€“ to particular groups of people, but charities must ensure they can show that those people suffer a particular disadvantage, or that the policy is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
  • New Chair of Homes England – Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has confirmed Peter Freeman as the new Chair of Homes England.
  • Housing Ombudsman Report – The Housing Ombudsman has issued a report on complaints where severe maladministration it found in 2019-20 as a further step towards increasing its transparency. These cases should provide a cautionary tale for trustees regarding the importance of good governance and particularly, submitting annual returns on time.

Charity Commission

  • Inquiry Publications – The Charity Commission has published inquiries into two charities, CWM Harry Land Trust Limited and CAWRM, criticising them for poor governance and maladministration. As with the Housing Ombudsman report, they highlight how vital it is to maintain a high standard of governance among trustees to ensure that a charityโ€™s reputation is not tarnished. This can lead to great difficulties, most notably in the charity struggling to carry out its charitable purpose.
  • SORP Questionnaire – The Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) provides guidance to those involved with preparing charity accounts. A new questionnaire is aimed primarily at existing or recently retired trustees of charities and is designed help to fundamentally change future SORPs to ensure they are fit for purpose for the charities it covers. The closing date of this survey is the 7th December.
  • Coronavirus – The Charity Commission has published updated guidance to help with running your charity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Previous Policy and Governance Updates:

Policy and Governance – September 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ July/August 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ June 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ May 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ Apr 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ Mar 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ Feb 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“Jan 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance โ€“ 2019 Summary

Posted 9 Nov 2020