Each month, the Association posts a news summary of the latest Policy and Governance legislation that could impact / requires action from our member charities, with links to further information where applicable. Please find below our Mar/Apr 21 Summary.

Property and Planning

  • Improving broadband for Very Hard to Reach premises consultation -DCMS has published a consultation – closing 11 June – on improving broadband for Very Hard to Reach premises in the UK. Through this call for evidence, DCMS wants to hear views and experiences of consumers’ broadband connectivity in rural and remote areas of the UK. Members may wish to consider responding if they have difficulties accessing good quality broadband for work and for residents.

Health and Safety

  • Shielding – As of April 1st, it will no long be necessary for clinically extremely vulnerable people in England to shield.

Taxation and Finance

  • Budget 2021 – The Chancellor made a number of announcements as part of this year’s Budget. Most notable for almshouse charities will be the extension of the ÂŁ20 uplift in Universal Credit payments which will last until September. Eligible Working Tax Credit claimants will also receive a one-off payment of ÂŁ500.
  • National Minimum Wage – The National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage will increase from April 1st, with the National Living Wage being extended to 23 and 24 year olds for the first time. The NLW will now be ÂŁ8.91. 


You can find all our Coronavirus updates here

Previous Policy and Governance updates:
Policy and Governance update – March 2021 Summary
Policy & Governance update – February 2021 Summary
Policy and Governance update – January 2021 Summary
Policy & Governance update – December 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – October 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – September 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – July/August 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – June 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – May 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – Apr 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – Mar 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance – Feb 2020 Summary
Policy and Governance –Jan 2020 Summary

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