The Almshouse Association was delighted to welcome our Royal Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales to Bond’s Hospital Almshouses, Coventry on 25th May 2021, during The Almshouse Association’s 75th anniversary year.

As part of his Royal ‘Away Day’ in Coventry, The Prince of Wales took the time to visit Bond’s Hospital, run by the Coventry Church (Municipal) Charities to meet with residents and trustees, and to cut a cake to celebrate The Almshouse Association’s 75th anniversary.

Upon his arrival, HRH was greeted by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire, who presented Liz Fathi, Chair of The Almshouse Association, Nick Phillips, Chief Executive of The Almshouse Association, Mr Victor Keene MBE – Chairman of Coventry Church (Municipal) Charities, Mrs Virginia Rigby – Vice Chair of Coventry Church (Municipal) Charities, Mr Richard Kenyon – Chairman of Bond’s Hospital Estate Charity and Matthew White, Chief Executive of Coventry Church (Municipal) Charities.

Mr Victor Keene MBE presents HRH with a book

HRH was invited to sign the visitor book of the charity in the prayer room where he was also presented with a book by Michael Orten. The title of the book is ‘For so long as the world shall endure’ which was a phrase used in the Will of Thomas Bond (the charity’s Founder) in 1506 and relates to the term of the charity that he set up over 500 years ago.

HRH, The Prince of Wales chats with Mrs Eileen Nixon

Prince Charles then went out into the garden where he spent time speaking to the thrilled trustees and residents of Bond’s Hospital and asking them about their interests.

Nick Phillips, The Chief Executive of The Almshouse Association said,

“His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales once again showed his great commitment to the residents of almshouses. He is so interested in what they have to say and their individual stories.

The Prince of Wales has been such a significant support to The Almshouse Association and our members throughout the pandemic, and we were delighted that he took the occasion of the visit to Bond’s Hospital Almshouses to cut the cake celebrating 75 years of The Almshouse Association. The residents, volunteers and staff were so pleased and really enjoyed his company. It was such a boost for them, for us and the 1,600 almshouses in the country.”

His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales and Elizabeth Fathi, Chair of The Almshouse Association, share a joke as the cake, decorated with the charity’s logo, is cut to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Association.

In her speech, the Chair of The Almshouse Association, Elizabeth Fathi, said how proud the Association, the trustees and staff were to have the Royal Patronage, and how grateful they are that His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, is so supportive of the historic almshouse model. She said,

Head of Member Services, Rosie Sweeney made sure everyone got a slice of our 75th celebration cake

“It is an honour to welcome His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, to help celebrate the 75th anniversary of The Almshouse Association – a movement that began a thousand years ago:  a thousand years of providing warm, friendly houses for local people. That shows it’s a model that works!”

Residents, staff and trustees all raised a glass to toast this special moment.  


Some wonderful video footage of the day filmed by the Daily Mail online can be accessed here.

The Almshouse Association represents and supports a network of 1,600 independent almshouses across the UK that provide community housing for some 36,000 people in housing need.

Throughout 2021, The Almshouse Association will be celebrating both their 75th anniversary and the achievements of the almshouse movement which spans over a thousand years.

Photos: Richard Gray
Top photographs: 1st image: HRH talks with residents (l-r) Mrs Sheila Tognonato, Mr David Stanley and Mrs Olga Miller; 2nd image: HRH is presented to Nick Phillips CEO of The Almshouse Association and Liz Fathi Chair of The Almshouse Assocation; 3rd image HRH with Mrs Janet Blair-Wilson and Mrs Patsy Keogh.

Posted 1 June 21

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