Free Training: Accommodation for Residential Care TV Licences

TV Licensing has recently provided training for almshouse trustees on accessing the Accommodation for Residential Care (ARC) TV License. This came after a number of members had experienced difficulties in accessing the licence for their residents.

TV Licensing provides the following guidance on ARC TV licence eligibility:

“These concessionary licences apply to:

– Care/nursing homes – registered with the CQC or Care Inspectorate in Scotland.
– Sheltered accommodation/supported living.
– Almshouses.
The licence enables those living there to pay a flat ÂŁ7.50 a year for their licence. To qualify they need to be aged over 60 (and either retired or working less than 15 hours a month) or be registered disabled. The presentation is roughly 15 minutes long, if you have any follow up questions please do contact Dan Cooper at the details provided on the presentation.

The Almshouse Association took them up on their offer and following the successful training session we have been provided with resources which should help members with this process. The slides provide an overview of eligibility as well as making applications and renewals. It is specifically tailored to almshouses and so should prove a useful resource for all those handling ARC licences.

Our thanks to Dan Cooper, Senior Communications Specialist at  TV Licensing for sending us the presentation. He is also happy to be contacted at in case anyone has any questions or would like to book a training session.

  • The slides can be found here.
  • Video link can be found here

posted 16 May 22