Today in the Guardian, journalist Amelia Hill explores almshouses and the impact they are having on their residents.

ā€˜Affordable and stress freeā€™: how almshouses are the unsung heroes of UK social housing

She writes:

Garry Heircock in the grounds of his Almshouse at Lancaster House in Leicester where he has been a resident for 12 months.Ā Photograph: Fabio de Paola/The Guardian

Every morning after he gets up, Gary Hiercock presses a green button outside his bedroom. Thatā€™s how the warden of his Leicester almshouse knows heā€™s up and about ā€“ that he hasnā€™t had a fall or become ill overnight.

ā€œItā€™s just one example of how everything is thought of here: nothing is left to chance: everyone is safe at every moment of the day,ā€ said the 71-year-old former department store manager. ā€œI have absolutely no worries at all here. Iā€™m completely content.ā€

Hiercock has lived in the Wyggestons Almshouses in Leicester for just over a year, since his partner of 53 years had to go into a care home with advanced Alzheimerā€™s.

ā€œI start every day feeling happy and grateful to be here,ā€ he said. ā€œI was very isolated where I lived before but here, everyone is so friendly. If Iā€™m ever feeling a bit lonely, I just need to go for a stroll and Iā€™ll come across someone to do something with.ā€

To read the article in full, please click on the link here:

[Top photo: Kim and Terry Baxter at the second viewing of their new almshouse flat in Southwark, London. Photograph: Sean Smith/The Guardian]

posted 22 May 2023