Members will be aware that shielding is now no longer necessary as of April 1st.

From April 9th, twice weekly rapid tests will be available for everyone to test at home. Regular testing, alongside the vaccine rollout are seen as integral to returning life to normal. By using these free test twice a week you can help to flag any potential outbreaks of coronavirus. The tests can be ordered online or collected from larger local pharmacies. You may wish to encourage your residents and staff to use these tests and let them know what they need to do if they test positive.

April 12th marks the next stage of the Governmentā€™s roadmap from lockdown. Members should be aware that as of April 12th:

  • Non-essential retail; personal care premises such as hairdressers and nail salons; and public buildings, including libraries and community centres will re-open.
  • Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will also reopen (but only for use by people on their own or in household groups);
  • As will most outdoor attractions and settings including outdoor hospitality venues, zoos, theme parks, and drive-in cinemas.
  • Self-contained accommodation such as campsites and holiday lets, where indoor facilities are not shared with other households, can also reopen. This may mean you can re-open your guest facilities but we would recommend undertaking a risk assessment first. You are, however, under no obligation to re-open if you do not feel it would be safe for your residents. 
  • Hospitality venues will be allowed to serve people outdoors and there will be no need for customers to order a substantial meal with alcoholic drinks and no curfew, although customers must order, eat and drink while seated (ā€˜table serviceā€™). Wider social contact rules will apply in all these settings to prevent indoor mixing between different households.
  • While funerals can continue with up to 30 mourners, the number of people able to attend weddings, receptions and commemorative events such as wakes will rise to 15.

Posted 8 April 21